Coco and Gracie, our canine testing panel, both largely loved this range of Omni vegan dog treats and said that they were pawesome…OK, so I made that last bit up but truthfully, they really did seem to like them. We used them in a variety of situations – out on walks, at bedtime, and for Gracie in particular, when training (Coco is more of a free spirit). We liked the fact too that the treats are good for different things including supporting coat health, joints, sensitive tummies, and peaceful sleep.
So, read my full Omni vegan dog treats review to find out why we (dogs and humans) are giving them the paws up.
- Vet formulated
- Tasty
- Competitively priced
- Packaging
Omni discount code VEGANMUM (Ts&Cs apply)
My experience of Omni vegan dog treats
This post has been sponsored by Omni, but – as always – reflects Vegan Mum’s genuine opinion.
A bit like with dried food, Coco can turn her nose up at biscuit-like treats and often prefers the more ‘chewy’ stick-like offerings, so I wasn’t sure how she was going to respond to this range from Omni. However, I needn’t have worried. With the exception of the Shiny Coats treats which she could take or leave, she loved them! And the Growing Pups treats also proved to be a very popular and successful training aid for my sister-in-law’s lovely (but huge) puppy, Gracie.
Not that there has been much training going on in our household. I would defy anyone to train Coco. Lhasa Apsos are notoriously stubborn, but also so cute that it’s difficult not to give into them. Or is it just that behind that cute face is an ace manipulator? Hmmm, probably.
Anyway, whichever it is, I have actually been able to use these treats to persuade Coco to stay on the towel whilst being dried – and that’s a first. Alright, I know that’s bribery, not training, but I don’t care if it works! Fortunately though, these treats aren’t just about bribery. They contain some ingredients that are really beneficial for your dog and the treats for Peaceful Dogs in particular have been genuinely helpful. Don’t get me wrong, they don’t have a sedative effect, but they seem to take the edge off Coco’s anxiety when one of us is away for the night and they are now just standard bedtime routine.
I also carry some around in my pocket when out for walks and they are consistently popular with Coco’s canine pals too, whether they’re plant-based pooches or not!
The positives
These dog treats are clearly very palatable, contain healthy ingredients to support all life stages and needs, and are competitively priced, even more so if you utilise all available discount codes.
Vet-formulated with healthy ingredients
These vet-formulated products have been carefully developed so that they are not simply just tasty snacks for your canine companion, they actually contain valuable, healthy ingredients too! So if you’re going to treat your dog, it might as well be good for them at the same time.
There are 5 different treats in this range to suit different needs and life stages, with appropriate ingredients in each (all of them can be given to your dog from 8 weeks old):
Treats for Peaceful Dogs
These have become an essential in the Coco/Vegan Mum household. Coco has an overwhelming need to herd us all into the house, preferably into the same room, so that she knows where we all are and can then ignore us all at the same time. But if one if us is away overnight, well…all doggy hell is let loose as she barks through the night at every noise, however slight.
But, help has come in the form of these little heart-shaped treats. With calming valerian root and lemon balm, they can help to alleviate those more anxious moments. A few of these in the evening, gratefully snaffled away in a few seconds, seems to take the edge off the anxiety. I’m even thinking of trying them on Coco. Yes, yes, I know, they’re for the dog. I give them to Coco really, and they genuinely seem to make her less anxious.
Treats for Growing Pups
Rich in calcium and containing fruits and vegetables, these treats are small and can be given to your pup from 8 weeks. Gracie, the 17 week old pup pictured above loves them, and they have been the perfect training treat too, as you can see from how patiently she is waiting for her photo to be taken! (How big is Gracie going to be when she’s fully grown?!) Update: 6 months later she is the size of a small horse!
Treats for Supported Joints
Containing vegan glucosamine, turmeric, curcumin and those essential Omega 3 and 6 ingredients, these treats are formulated to support your dog’s joints and mobility. I love the appropriate bone shapes too! Coco absolutely adores these, although Gracie wasn’t so keen for some reason.
Treats for Shiny Coats
Your dog’s skin, and the condition of their coat can be indicators of their general health, and are very important. With lots of nourishing ingredients including linseed, magnesium, beta carotene, and chia seeds, these treats give those vital indicators a helping hand. Coco didn’t seem to like these quite so much, but then maybe she thinks her coat is lustrous enough already…her canine pals were only too happy to eat them on her behalf.
Treats for Sensitive Tummies
Yes, dogs have gut biomes too! These nourishing treats support your pooch’s tummy with helpful pre & pro biotics, and chicory root, all encouraging healthy gut bacteria and stool consistency – and you know how obsessed us dog parents are with that!
They’re tasty
I haven’t actually tasted these Omni vegan dog treats personally, although given the ingredients list, I wouldn’t be too perturbed about it. But, no need, because Coco and Gracie have done all the required taste-testing and the overwhelming verdict is…they’re very tasty! Whilst there were definitely preferences – Coco wasn’t so keen on the Shiny Coats treats, but other dogs loved them; Gracie didn’t really go for the Supported Joints treats, but Coco would eat the whole packet if she was allowed – it’s just down to individual dogs.
The puppy treats are certainly very appetising and my sister-in-law used them very successfully as training treats for Gracie. And Coco did allow me, on occasion, to offer some of the others out to her doggy companions whilst out walking and without fail, they were mercilessly despatched.
Competitively priced
These vegan dog treats are competitively, and reasonably, priced. The packets are full, the treats contain high quality ingredients, and used appropriately, should last you and your dog a good, long time.
You can pay an awful lot of money for dog treats, and some are extortionate prices (I will name no names here). So this range is a pocket-friendly choice, but one that definitely doesn’t compromise on quality.
The negatives
Although there were a couple of preferences over the palatability of 2 of the treats in the range, it wasn’t a consistent ‘dislike’ with all the dogs that ate them, and was clearly just personal taste. Consequently, I didn’t see that as a negative although it did impact the overall rating I gave them. So the only negative really was the packaging. Let’s look at that a bit more closely.
The treats come in plastic pouches. They are recyclable through carrier bag collections (the bottom of the pack gives more detail) but I really hope that Omni look for better packaging solutions in the future. They have done so very successfully with their dried food (see Vegan Mum’s Omni dog food review for detail) moving to very effective paper packaging, so it is certainly an area they are very conscious of.
My verdict on Omni Vegan Dog Treats
Overall, I really like these Omni vegan dog treats. They’re good value for money, contain ingredients that actually support the health of your dog, and perhaps most importantly, dogs love them. Consequently, I would definitely recommend them if you are looking for small biscuits that you can treat your dog with for training, or just because you want to!
And if any further proof is needed, my dog-walking jacket pocket where I keep said treats has now become a significant point of interest for canines across the village! Who knew I could be so popular. Ah, cupboard love…
Omni discount code VEGANMUM (Ts&Cs apply)
Go on. Gracie really recommends them…
Are vegan dog treats good for dogs?
If it’s a healthy vegan dog treat which is appropriate to your dog’s needs, then yes, there is no reason why it shouldn’t be! Generally speaking, they will be lower in fat than many meat-based treats, and contain fewer (hopefully zero) dubious additives. However, If you are buying a branded product you should always check the ingredients and nutritional values because even if it is plant-based, it might still be high in fat or contain something that your dog is sensitive to – a (very) few dogs might react to soy for example.
What natural treats can I feed a vegan dog?
If you want to avoid buying branded products, there are still many things that your dog will consider to be a treat. My dog, Coco, loves these healthy options:
- lightly cooked broccoli stalks and carrot sticks – I put thin sticks of these vegetables into a mug of boiling water when I’m making my coffee in the mornings. Leave them for a few minutes and then store in the fridge until needed
- she also loves dried goji berries (although in moderation – she has 2 or 3 at most)
- Coco goes a bit bonkers over grated, unflavoured firm tofu too
- smooth peanut butter is also very popular with dogs, although in small amounts because of fat content. Coco loves it but can’t eat it at all because of her history of pancreatitis – I try not to put it on my toast when she’s around because she can smell it!
More vegan dog articles
I hope you have enjoyed Vegan Mum’s Omni Vegan Dog Treats review. We love this range of plant-based foods for dogs and our trusty canine testing panel have tried out a number of their other products which we have written about. If you’d like to find out more about this vegan brand, see links to some of those reviews below:
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